आदातव्यं न दातव्यं प्रियं ब्रूयन् निरर्थकम् ।

आशां कालवतीं कुर्यात् कालं विघ्नेन योजयेत् ॥

ādātavyaṁ na dātavyaṁ priyaṁ brūyan nirarthakam ।
āśāṁ kālavatīṁ kuryāt kālaṁ vighnēna yōjayēt ॥

In this satirical advice, the Subhashitakar says …

One should always receive wealth, never give to others, talk pleasantly some words devoid of any commitment, sustain the hopes (of others) by a promise in the future and get ready obstacles when the specified time arrives.