Subhashita – 29.05.2018

अर्थस्य निश्चयो दृष्टो विचारेण हितोक्तितः ।
न स्नानेन न दानेन प्राणायामशतेन वा ॥ – विवेकचूडामणि
arthasya nishchayo drushTo vichaarena hitoktitah
na snaanena na daanena praaNaayaamashatena vaa – vivekachoodaamaNi
It only when one deliberates on wise sayings that his belief consolidates into a conviction. Not by reciting the same thing over and over again after taking bath, or by resorting to charity or doing rhythmic breathing hundred times. Practice is much better than recital. – Viveka Chudaman